Seven top tips for beginner weavers

Learning any new craft can be overwhelming at first, and like any skill, it takes time, patience, experimentation and practice. So here’s my seven top tips to help kickstart your journey into the wonderful world of weaving.

1) Start with a simple project

If you're new to weaving, go easy for your first couple of weaves. I encourage you to start with a simple project that will help you get the hang of the basics.

2) Remember everything can be recycled and reused

One of my favourite things about weaving is that you can reuse your materials over and over again. So if you don’t like a section, or even a whole project, you can simply unweave it and use the yarn or fibre in a future project. There’s very little wastage, both in fibre and in time - fibre can be reused, and time spent weaving, even if it’s unwoven afterwards, is time invested in practice and learning!

3) Start with chunky yarns

Creating and finishing a new project can be very rewarding, so making your first weaves easy and not too time consuming can help to motivate you in the early stages of learning. Chunky yarns weave up quickly, making it quick and easy to complete a woven piece. I always recommend chunky or super chunky yarns to start with

4) Be patient

Often we feel pressured to create an amazing piece of art right off the bat. Weaving is a skill and art form that you will hone and develop over time, so think of your first weaves as being practice weaves to learn on. This can help take the pressure off. Take the opportunity to learn, practice and improve stitch techniques, and over time you’ll start to develop your own sense of style and preferred techniques. Keep practicing and you'll improve with time.

5) Don't be afraid to experiment and make mistakes

Weaving is such a dynamic and broad skill - there’s so many different formats, styles, and techniques. Trying out a variety of stitches and styles is part of the fun. Some attempts may turn out not quite how you expected or wanted, but that’s part of the learning journey and we often learn the most from the mistakes we make.

6) Join a weaving community

In my experience, weavers are often kind and helpful, and many are happy to share tips and tricks with fellow weaving lovers. And there’s loads of communities out there:

  • Instagram - you can create an account just for your weaving and connect with the incredible community there. Follow fellow weavers and popular hashtags for inspiration, tips, and advice, and engage with other accounts via comments or DMs

  • Facebook groups - there’s loads of international and country specific groups for all types of weaving. It’s a great way to connect with others who are also just starting out, to share your work in a more private environment

  • Local community groups - artists love to connect with like minded souls, regardless of their creative medium. If in person get togethers are more your speed, have a search on Facebook & Google, plus check out bulletin boards at your local shops to see if there’s an artist / craft lover collective in your area. These groups will often have regular get together or plan group activities or outings

  • Find a local weaver’s guild - joining a weaver's guild offers the opportunity to learn from experienced weavers and expand your knowledge and skills in weaving techniques, pattern design, and colour theory. This is particularly useful for weaving formats that are more intricate to learn, such as rigid heddle or floor loom weaving

7) Share your work

Weaving can be a very satisfying and rewarding hobby, so don't be afraid to share your work with others. Show off your projects on social media, give them as gifts, or sell them at craft fairs or online.

With patience, dedication and practice, you can develop your skills and create beautiful and unique woven pieces. Happy Weaving!


List of Australian Online Weaving Stores